Friday, July 10, 2009

Robots Exhibit Pictutres by Ronald Serapio

These are just one of the robot collection by Ronald Serapio at his Robots Exhibit. He created his robots using scrap materials which he converted it into different style and here is it ta dah..... Sure going to be fascinated about especially if you got to see it for real.

the red robot
check what this plane made of
the robot with a mouse body and plug hands

This is the huge robot displayed on the dance floor.


  1. wow, I remember transformers with those robots :D

  2. HI Carms, stumbled in your other blog :)

  3. it was predicted that robots will rule the world, where are they?

  4. Hi Carms, why haven't you updated this blog yet?

  5. Hi sis, visiting again.. i also would like to invite you to vote for my daughter in the smile contest, thanks!
